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Old 12-10-2003, 07:08 AM
bjornstrom bjornstrom is offline

Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 16


I've made some additional changes to the system, and I thought I'd share them with you.

I've updated the cms manager and cms maker pages to work even when you have xcart installed in a different directory (not directly in the root of the site). To do this you should add $xcart_web_dir just before /admin/... in the path in all the <img>-tags.
$header="<center><img src=/admin/images/ezcontentlogo.gif></center> ";
should be changed to
$header="<center><img src=$xcart_web_dir/admin/images/ezcontentlogo.gif></center> ";

Additionally I've also modified the rotating and fixed panels to not show if there is no content for them. To do this, add this line after the first line in all the panel templates (skin1/customer/...)
{if $rotatingsidepanel1 ne "" or $rsp1title ne ""}
and add this as a last line
Change the $rotatingsidepanel1 to the same one used further down in the template (could be rotatingsidepanel1, 2 or 3 or $fixedsidepanel1, 2 or 3).
Change the $rsp1title to the same one used further down in the template (could be $rsp1title, $rsp2title or $rsp3title or $fsp1title, $fsp2title or $fsp3title).
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