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Old 04-22-2003, 02:51 AM
Alan Alan is offline

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Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 83

Default Search order details by email, zipcode, and other things.

Hello all,

The altered/added code below is quite simple to understand, so if you would like to add other fields to your orders search, it's basically 1 line in each files that you have to change/add. Sorry I couldn't explain better, as I'm using my short coffee break to post this.

I added a reset button at the top of the form, FYI.

For the emails, you can put in partial matchings (ie, jondoe, jondoe@x-cart, etc.). *Edit* So does your customer name string, btw.

PARTIAL CODE ONLY: look for and paste into /{your-x-cart-dir}/skin1/main/orders.tpl
{capture name=dialog} <table border=0> <form name="searchform" action="orders.php" method=get> <INPUT type=hidden name=mode value=""> <tr><td colspan=2 class=FormButton>Reset fields</td><td> <input type=reset name=clear value=Reset> </td></tr> <tr> <td height="10" class=FormButton nowrap>{$lng.lbl_order_id}</td> <td width="10" height="10"></td> <td height="10"> <input type="text" name="orderid" size="6" value="{$smarty.get.orderid}"> </td> </tr> {if $usertype ne "C"} <tr> <td height="10" class=FormButton nowrap>{$lng.lbl_customer}</td> <td width="10" height="10"></td> <td height="10"> <input type="text" name="substring" size="30" value="{$smarty.get.substring}"> </td> </tr> {* ======email search========= *} <tr> <td height="10" class=FormButton nowrap>{$lng.lbl_email}</td> <td width="10" height="10"></td> <td height="10"> <input type="text" name="email" size="30" value="{$}"> </td> </tr> {* ========Zip code search=========== *} <tr> <td height="10" class=FormButton nowrap>{$lng.lbl_zip_code}</td> <td width="10" height="10"></td> <td height="10"> <input type="text" name="zipcode" size="6" value="{$smarty.get.zipcode}"> </td> </tr> {/if} {if $usertype eq "A"} <tr> <td height="10" class=FormButton nowrap>{$lng.lbl_provider}</td> <td width="10" height="10"></td> <td height="10"> <input type="text" name="provider" size="30" value="{$smarty.get.provider}"> </td> </tr> {/if}s

Paste the following into: /{your-x-cart-dir}/include/orders.php
# $Id: orders.php,v 2003/02/19 10:41:07 svowl Exp $ # # # Generate timestamp for first day of current month # $ctime = time() + $config["General"]["timezone_offset"]; $start_date = mktime (0,0,0,date("m",$ctime),1,date("Y",$ctime)); $end_date = $ctime; $objects_per_page = $config["General"]["orders_per_page_admin"]; $tmp=strstr($QUERY_STRING, "XCARTSESSID="); if (!empty($tmp)) $QUERY_STRING=ereg_replace("XCARTSESSID=([0-9a-zA-Z]*)", "", $QUERY_STRING); if($QUERY_STRING) { # # Set % as reserved name for list mode of search script # Substring condition # $substring_condition = ($substring==""?"":" and $sql_tbl[orders].login LIKE '%$substring%'"); $status_condition = ($status?" and $sql_tbl[orders].status='$status'":""); $orderid_condition = ($orderid?" and $sql_tbl[orders].orderid='$orderid'":""); $email_condition = ($email?" and $sql_tbl[orders].email LIKE '%$email%'":""); $zipcode_condition = ($zipcode?" and $sql_tbl[orders].b_zipcode='$b_zipcode'":""); # # Generate timestamps and assign then to smarty # if($StartMonth) { $start_date=mktime(0,0,0,$StartMonth,$StartDay,$StartYear); $end_date=mktime(23,59,59,$EndMonth,$EndDay,$EndYear); } $o_date = "$sql_tbl[orders].date+'".$config["General"]["timezone_offset"]."'"; $orders = func_query("select $sql_tbl[orders].*, $sql_tbl[order_details].provider from $sql_tbl[orders], $sql_tbl[order_details] where $sql_tbl[orders].orderid=$sql_tbl[order_details].orderid ".($provider?" and $sql_tbl[order_details].provider='$provider'":"")." and $o_date>=$start_date and $o_date<=$end_date".$substring_condition.$status_condition.$orderid_condition.$email_condition.$zipcode_condition." order by $sql_tbl[orders].date desc"); if(!$provider) $orders = array_merge($orders, func_query("select $sql_tbl[orders].*, $sql_tbl[giftcerts].gcid, $sql_tbl[giftcerts].purchaser, $sql_tbl[giftcerts].recipient, $sql_tbl[giftcerts].message, $sql_tbl[giftcerts].amount, $sql_tbl[giftcerts].debit, $sql_tbl[giftcerts].add_date, $sql_tbl[giftcerts].status as gc_status FROM $sql_tbl[orders], $sql_tbl[giftcerts] where $sql_tbl[orders].orderid=$sql_tbl[giftcerts].orderid and $o_date>=$start_date and $o_date<=$end_date ".$substring_condition.$status_condition.$orderid_condition.$email_condition.$zipcode_condition." order by $sql_tbl[orders].date desc")); # # Do array multisort by orderid # $orderids = array(); if(!empty($orders)) { foreach($orders as $order) $orderids[]=$order["orderid"]; array_multisort($orderids, SORT_DESC, $orders); } # # This routine removes duplications from $orders array # $orders_string = array(); if(!empty($orders)) foreach($orders as $key=>$uniq_order) if ($uniq_order["orderid"] != $orders[$key+1]["orderid"]) { $new_orders[]=$uniq_order; $orders_string [] = $uniq_order["orderid"]; } $orders=$new_orders; if ($mode != 'export') { # # If orders do not exports, separate them on the pages # $total_nav_pages = ceil(count($orders)/$objects_per_page)+1; include "../include/navigation.php"; if (is_array($orders)) $orders = array_slice($orders, $first_page, $objects_per_page); } if ($orders) foreach($orders as $k=>$v) { $orders[$k]["date"] += $config["General"]["timezone_offset"]; if ($v["add_date"]) $orders[$k]["add_date"] += $config["General"]["timezone_offset"]; } foreach($HTTP_GET_VARS as $k=>$v) { if (!empty($v) && $k != "mode") $ret_str .= "&$k=$v"; } $ret_str = ereg_replace("^&","",$ret_str); $smarty->assign("navigation_script","orders.php?$ret_str"); # # Make orders_full array, that contains detailed information about orders # $orders_full = array (); if ($orders) { foreach ($orders as $key=>$value) { $products_result = func_query ("SELECT * FROM $sql_tbl[order_details] WHERE orderid='$value[orderid]'"); if ($products_result) { foreach ($products_result as $subkey=>$subvalue) { $result = array_merge ($value, $subvalue); $product_result = func_query_first ("SELECT * FROM $sql_tbl[products] WHERE productid='$subvalue[productid]'"); if ($product_result) $result = array_merge ($result, $product_result); $orders_full [] = $result; } } $gifts_result = func_query_first ("SELECT * FROM $sql_tbl[giftcerts] WHERE orderid='$value[orderid]'"); if ($gifts_result) { $result = array_merge ($value, $gifts_result); $orders_full [] = $result; } } } if ($orders_string) $smarty->assign ("orders_string", urlencode(implode (",", $orders_string))); $smarty->assign("orders",$orders); $smarty->assign("items_count",count($orders)); } $smarty->assign("orders_full", $orders_full); $smarty->assign("start_date",$start_date); $smarty->assign("end_date",$end_date); $smarty->assign("main","orders"); ?>

Take care everyone, improvement suggestions are very welcome.

Good day.
Best Regards!
Search is my friend
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