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Old 07-08-2003, 11:46 AM
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Jon Jon is offline

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Sorry, i did find that error in my beta testing but didn't think to post up the fix.

I believe I fixed this by adding current_area to my check_useraccount.php

<? # # $Id: check_useraccount.php,v 2002/12/11 12:29:10 svowl Exp $ # # This script authenticates user (session variables "login" and "login_type" # if ($HTTP_POST_VARS["login"] || $HTTP_GET_VARS["login"] || $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["login"] || $HTTP_POST_VARS["login_type"] || $HTTP_GET_VARS["login_type"] || $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["login_type"]) { header("Location: ../shop/error_message.php?access_denied"); exit(); } if ($_REQUEST["login"]) { header("Location: ../home/error_message.php?access_denied"); exit(); } if ($login_type!=$current_area && !empty($login)) { $logged=$login; $login=""; } elseif ($login_type==$current_area && !empty($logged)) { $login=$logged; $logged=""; } if ($current_area == "C") { $LoginCookie = $_COOKIE['LoginCookie']; $LoginTypeCookie = $_COOKIE['LoginTypeCookie']; $LoginPassCookie = $_COOKIE['LoginPassCookie']; $user_data=func_query_first("select * from $sql_tbl[customers] where login='$LoginCookie' and usertype='$LoginTypeCookie' and status='Y' and password='$LoginPassCookie'"); } if (!empty($user_data) && $LoginCookie != "" && $LoginTypeCookie == "C") { $login = $LoginCookie; $login_type = $LoginTypeCookie; $logged = $login; } session_register("login"); session_register("login_type"); session_register("logged"); if($login) { $user_account=func_query_first("select login, membership from $sql_tbl[customers] where login='$login'"); $name=func_query_first("select firstname,lastname from $sql_tbl[customers] where login='$login'"); if(empty($user_account)) { $login=""; $login_type=""; } } $smarty->assign("login",$login); $smarty->assign("name",$name); $smarty->assign("usertype",$current_area); ?>
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