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Old 10-23-2002, 08:26 AM
ryan ryan is offline

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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Philly
Posts: 38


Well I figured out my problem and of course it was just one of those dumb mistakes. If you notice in my code above i have "products.fulldesc" but it should be "products.fulldescr". That's what you get when you change two things at once. So if anyone is interested here is how I modified the search box code (atleast the query in search.php) "selGenre" is the name of my drop down box.
if ($selGenre == 'all'){ $search_query = "(products.product like '%$substring%' or products.descr like '%$substring%' or products.productcode like '%$substring%' or products.param05 like '%$substring%' or products.fulldescr like '%$substring%') and categories.category like '$search_category%' and'Y' group by products.product"; #echo $selGenre; } else { $search_query = "(products.product like '%$substring%' or products.descr like '%$substring%' or products.productcode like '%$substring%' or products.param05 like '%$substring%') and products.param04 like '$selGenre%' and categories.category like '$search_category%' and'Y' group by products.product"; }

In order for the pages beyond the first page of results you also need to change this code on search.php:
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