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Old 05-06-2013, 09:50 AM
Danimal Danimal is offline

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Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 134

Default X-Payments scares me

This might sound very strange but... we self-host on a domain and hosting separate from our websites. I just added a 2nd site to x-payments and never did either ask me for the URL of the other.

How can I copy the store ID from X-Payments, pop it into x-cart admin and BOOM! It works? There was nothing on either or asking for the url to the other url.

Is it just me or is this more than creepy? This also makes me think there is more going on than just talking from my website to my x-payments installation. Is this right?

Running xc 4.5.5 and xp 1.0.6

For version & mods installed, see post.
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