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Old 02-02-2003, 06:25 PM
Cameron Cameron is offline

Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Washington State, USA
Posts: 224

Default Different font colors in different tables for regular text

I've searched the forums, but haven't found any info on this. On the site I'm doing, I want to have different font colors in different tables. Specifically: All product info tables need to be in black and all text outside of those tables needs to be white in order to be read against a darker background.

I've gone round and round with my style sheet and it looks like all of the .tpl files are pulling table data from the td classification in my stylesheet. So if I change that, it works for the inner tables (lighter background) but not for the outer tables (darker background) where there are things like the "welcome back cameron" etc...

Can anybody tell me how to fix this? Whatever I need to edit, I'll do.

ALSO, for the product thumbnail descriptions when a category is listed, my description is incredibly small. Everything else is the size that I'm specifying in my style sheet. How do I make it bigger?

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