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Old 11-08-2008, 08:09 AM
geckoday geckoday is offline

Join Date: Aug 2005
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Default Re: X-Cart 4.2 beta testing

Just downloaded and did a first glance over the skin separation for admin & customer and its a mess. A short and very incomplete look at it finds modules/Detailed_Product_Images/popup_image.tpl used in both admin and customer sections. Also check_email_script.tpl, check_zipcode_js.tpl, check_password_script.tpl, check_required_fields_js.tpl. And probably more. The mix of customer and admin stuff in the root of the skin directory is just plain confusing. How is anyone (including Qualiteam staff) supposed to know which are customer files and which are admin?

I strongly recommend you make a clear separation of the files by taking everything backend and putting them in a skin1/backend folder and everything customer and putting it the skin1/customer folder. Don't leave any files in the skin root folder. Then in init.php you can set the template directory to one of those two folders instead of leaving it at skin1. Then get rid of all those changes in the customer tpl's to include "customer/..." - it will be automatic and the ones that you missed you won't need to worry about anymore. That way nothing can be inadvertently shared and its crystal clear to everyone which area of the site is being edited. Plus you'll find any mistakes quickly because things will just break because they are missing. If you really feel its necessary to maintain some shared pieces like some of the js just create a third folder skin1/shared. Then if tpl's need to used shared stuff they just include from ../shared/whatever.tpl.

Do it right instead of making a bigger mess of the existing mess!
Manuka Bay Company
X-Cart Version 4.0.19 [Linux]

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