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Old 04-16-2015, 06:07 AM
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mcanitano mcanitano is offline

Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Melbourne, FL
Posts: 216

Default Re: Conversion Tracking

well for one, it looks like you have Smarty variables inside literal tags, that is why they aren't populating.


Basically when you use {literal} the smarty variables do not work. So you must {/literal}{$smarty.variable}{literal} each time

This is a quick google search on using smarty variables inside literal tags.

As far as your foreach loop. I believe you need a second foreach loop for the products.

You should have one (like you do) for orders, and a separate for the products inside the orders to get variables like {$product.productid}

Try using
{foreach from=$order.products item="product"} // Push all products to refiral_cart_items array var refiral_cart_items = []; refiral_cart_items.push({ product_id: '{$product.productid}', // Product ID quantity: '{$product.amount}', // Quantity name: '{$product.product}', // Name of product }); refiral_cart_items.push({ product_id: '{$product.productid}', // Item Product ID quantity: '{$product.amount}', // Item Quantity name: '{$product.product}', // Name of product }); {/foreach}
Marcello Canitano
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