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Old 11-02-2005, 11:36 AM
jb5ep jb5ep is offline

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Default 'Discount Coupon taken' tpl mod

A client was complaining about the fact that it's not immediately obvious what's happened if you submit a coupon in the XC checkout process.'s a small template mod to make things a bit more 'tactile' when taking coupons. Shots below highlight what happens with this mod:

Usual stuff - back up before modifying anything, etc

Before entering coupon
(note: our coupon.tpl has been moved to the top)

After entering coupon
(note: there's an assumption here that you can only enter one coupon in the XC checkout - certainly the case with our install of 4.016, but if anyone knows any diffently, please shout)

Tpl changes required to implement this:
1. Goto skin1/modules/Discount_Coupons/add_coupon.tpl
2. Create an {if} statement to wrap around your 'this coupon's been taken' content.. - create your lang vars if you're not as lazy as me.
3. At the end of your 'coupon taken element, add an {else}, followed by your 'default' add_coupon.tpl
4. Close the {/if}.

For example:
{if $cart.coupon_discount ne 0 and $cart.coupon_type ne "free_ship"} ... ... Your coupon has been taken and {include file="currency.tpl" value=$cart.coupon_discount} has been deducted below. .. .. {else} {capture name=dialog} <TABLE width="706"> <TR> <TD colspan="4"><LI>{$lng.lbl_bullet_coupon}</LI></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colspan="3"> </TD> </TR> <FORM action="cart.php" name="couponform"> <TR> <TD width="152">{$lng.lbl_coupon_code}:</TD> <TD width="542"> <INPUT type="text" size="32" name="coupon" class="inputfield"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD width="152"></TD> <TD width="542"> <input type="submit" class="secondarybutton" value="{$lng.lbl_use_this_coupon}"> </TD> </TR> <INPUT type="hidden" name="mode" value="add_coupon"> </FORM> </TABLE> {/capture} { include file="dialog_COUPON.tpl" title=$lng.lbl_discount_coupon content=$smarty.capture.dialog extra="width=100%" }

Hope that's useful.

X-Cart 4.0.17
PHP 4.4.1
MySQL 4.0.25-standard
Apache 1.3.34
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