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Old 09-27-2012, 08:29 AM
Pyro Pyro is offline

Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 506

Default Re: Customize invoice based on product purchased


Thanks! That definitely helped as it is now displaying a number at least!

On an invoice that has 5 of product#7 and 1 of product#6, the output is 18. (which is the output of the 1 product#6.)

It seems the issue is the or statement. It is not combining the count of each of the products in the or, but rather 1 of them.

It seems that I should switch which side of the equation the or is on.

This is my attempt, which only outputs "text" for an order with 5 product#7 and 1 product#6.

HTML Code:
{foreach from=$products item=product} {if $product.productid eq 1} {assign var=ordered1 value=$product.amount} {/if} {if $product.productid eq 5} {assign var=ordered5 value=$product.amount} {/if} {if $product.productid eq 6} {assign var=ordered6 value=$product.amount} {/if} {if $product.productid eq 7} {assign var=ordered7 value=$product.amount} {/if} {/foreach} {if $ordered1 ne '' or $ordered5 ne '' or $ordered6 ne '' or $ordered7 ne ''} text{math equation="(( w * 9 ) + ( z * 18 ) + ( y * 18 ) + ( z * 18 ))" w=$ordered1 x=$orderedz5 y=$ordered6 z=$ordered7} {else} Go get a boat, and some $*%# life jackets, loser! {/if}
Best Wishes,

4.5.2 Gold (work in progress)
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