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Old 02-22-2013, 09:39 AM
Gunstar1 Gunstar1 is offline

Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 3

Default Cannot access XP log folders or files

I recently installed XP and I cannot access the log files through FTP. The directories that are created under the log folder are not accessible (permission denied) and so I can't even see what log files are there. I have to have the host make a copy of them and send them to me for me to be able to see what is in there. This made installing very frustrating but I finally got through it. Now I see that not only are error logs written but several other logs are too.

I setup the log folder permissions like the instructions said for non-privileged 777, but the folders that are created by XP under log are 700. The host tried changing some of the permissions of the folders and other settings to allow me access but then XP says it can no longer write to the folder.

Did I miss a step somewhere that told XP that I am running in non-privileged mode and so it is writing the logs in privileged mode or what? I would like to not have to contact my host every time I wanted to see what was in a log file.

XC Plat 4.7.3
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