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Old 05-20-2008, 07:59 AM
CybrMike CybrMike is offline

Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 9

Default Re: [MODULE] XC SEO v1.4.0 Released for X-Cart 4.0 and 4.1


I've looked at your mod and installed it. One thing that troubled me was the fact that it does a query for every single URL rewrite. Usually the same query over and over again. For example: Select category from xcart_categories WHERE categoryid='505';

To fix this, I simply added a &title= . urlencode(seo_title_of_product_or_category_name) to all of my urls (in appropriate products.tpl (or in my case, products_t.tpl) file, subcategories.tpl, categories.tpl, and a few misc others).

Then, in your code I before the query I added:

if (!empty($options['title'])){ $options['result_title'] = $options['title']; unset($options['title']); }

I also had to unset title from the _category_callback and _product_callback functions to remove ?title= from the URL:

function _category_callback($found, $uri_only = false, $title = false) { $options = $this->_check_uri($found[3]); $options['result_title'] = $title; if($options['cat']){ $filename = $this->_category_filename($options); unset($options['title']); $filename .= $this->_query_string_append($options); if($uri_only) return $filename; else return $found[1] . $found[2] . $this->_base_uri . $filename . $f }else{ return $found[0]; } }

This saved about 30 - 50+ queries per page. I am using memcache and it still sped things up significantly.
xCart GOLD V 4.1.9
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