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Old 03-23-2006, 11:59 AM
aaronharkin aaronharkin is offline

Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: UK
Posts: 4

Default Re: changing months in words to the numerical instead

Originally Posted by cotc2001
Just noticed something that seems a bit daft to me, if using manual proccessing for cards (or any cc payment method where you take the details on your own site) instead of have the start and expiry month in words i.e January, Febuary, March etc. etc. shouldn't it be 01, 02, 03 etc. etc. i've yet to see a credit card where it is words instead of numbers.

Anyone know of a way how I can change it to the months by numbers instead???

I contacted support with the same problem & received the following reply:

To implement this you should modify the 'skin1/main/register_ccinfo.tpl' file. Find the following fragments:

{html_select_date prefix="card_valid_from_" display_days=false start_year="-5" end_year="+4"}

{html_select_date prefix="card_expire_" display_days=false end_year="+10" time=$userinfo.card_expire_time}

and replace it with this codes:

{html_select_date prefix="card_valid_from_" display_days=false start_year="-5" end_year="+4" month_format="%m"}

{html_select_date prefix="card_expire_" display_days=false end_year="+10" time=$userinfo.card_expire_time month_format="%m"}

It worked for me.
X-Cart Gold v. 4.4.5
Location: Ireland / UK
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