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Old 02-25-2005, 04:37 AM
Sonia Sonia is offline

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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 72


Okay, I'm still wrestling with this code, and to top it off my partner and I keep changing our minds as to how to approach the navigation for our site.

At the moment, I am using the famous "Fernando Code", but the sort order is by alphabet. I have tried various changes to the "include/categories.php" page (see, but the subcategory menu continues to list in alphabetical order. I think I need to sort the order in his code somehow, but I don't know how. Here's his code again, added of course to categories.tpl:

{* Added by Fernando. Show first level of subcategories *} {if $current_category ne "" } {section name=subcat loop=$allcategories} {assign var=topmostcat value=$allcategories[subcat].categoryid_path|regex_replace:"/\/.*/":""} {assign var=current_category_top value=$current_category.categoryid_path|regex_replace:"/\/.*/":""} {if $current_category_top eq $topmostcat and $categories[cat_num].categoryid eq $topmostcat and $allcategories[subcat].parentid eq $topmostcat and $allcategories[subcat].categoryid ne $current_category_top} {$allcategories[subcat].category|truncate:20:"...":true} {/if} {/section} {/if} {* End added by Fernando *}

I'm thinking there's got to be code I can add to his that will allow me to sort the list by "order_by" (POS) instead. Can anyone help me with this?
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