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Old 08-18-2003, 03:30 AM is offline

Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 15

Default Hide Credit Card Number At Checkout

I have looked all over the forum for a way to mask the credit card numbers when a customer checks out to prevent unathorized use of their cc info and I had no luck so I came up with another solution and thought I would pass it along if anyone else is worried about the same problem.

The fix will not mask the numbers but instead will totally hide the numbers from the customer but it still shows up in the admin and database.
The only drawback is the customer will have to enter their credit card everytime they checkout but I think it's worth the trouble for the added security.

If anyone else has a better idea I wish they would let me know.

In the Skin1/ Main/ folder find the register_ccinfo.tpl


<input type=text name=card_number size=32 maxlength=20 value="{$userinfo.card_number}">

change to

<input type=text name=card_number size=32 maxlength=20 value="">


<input type=text name=card_expire size=4 maxlength=4 value="{$userinfo.card_expire}">

change to

<input type=text name=card_expire size=4 maxlength=4 value="">


<input type=text name=card_cvv2 size=4 maxlength=4 value="{$userinfo.card_cvv2}">

change to

<input type=text name=card_cvv2 size=4 maxlength=4 value="">

That's it if anyone is interested.
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