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Old 06-21-2012, 12:36 PM
xcellere xcellere is offline

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Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 32

Default Re: Product options in product list

Thank you for such a detailed post Mike. I should note that I just updated my signature to show my current version: 4.5. No longer 4.1.

EDIT: This is the code in customer_options.tpl:

{* $Id: customer_options.tpl,v 2010/12/15 09:44:41 aim Exp $ vim: set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: *} {if $product_options ne '' or $product_wholesale ne ''} {if $nojs ne 'Y'} <tr style="display: none;"> <td colspan="3"> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var alert_msg = '{$alert_msg|wm_remove|escape:javascript}'; //]]> </script> {include file="modules/Product_Options/check_options.tpl"} </td> </tr> {/if} {foreach from=$product_options item=v} {if $v.options ne '' or $v.is_modifier eq 'T' or $v.is_modifier eq 'A'} <tr> <td class="property-name product-input"> {if $usertype eq "A"} {$v.class} {else} {$v.classtext|escape|default:$v.class} {/if} </td> <td class="property-value" colspan="2"> {if $cname ne ""} {assign var="poname" value="$cname[`$v.classid`]"} {else} {assign var="poname" value="product_options[`$v.classid`]"} {/if} {if $v.is_modifier eq 'T'} <input id="po{$v.classid}" type="text" name="{$poname}" value="{$v.default|escape}" /> {elseif $v.is_modifier eq 'A'} <textarea id="po{$v.classid}" name="{$poname}">{$v.default|escape}</textarea> {else} <select id="po{$v.classid}" name="{$poname}"{if $disable} disabled="disabled"{/if}{if $nojs ne 'Y'} onchange="javascript: check_options();"{/if}> {foreach from=$v.options item=o} <option value="{$o.optionid}"{if $o.selected eq 'Y'} selected="selected"{/if}> {strip} {$o.option_name|escape} {if $v.is_modifier eq 'Y' and $o.price_modifier ne 0} &nbsp;( {if $o.modifier_type ne '%'} {currency value=$o.price_modifier display_sign=1 plain_text_message=1} {else} {$o.price_modifier}% {/if} ) {/if} {/strip} </option> {/foreach} </select> {/if} </td> </tr> {/if} {/foreach} {/if} {if $product_options_ex ne ""} <tr> <td class="warning-message" colspan="3" id="exception_msg" style="display: none;"></td> </tr> {if $err ne ''} <tr> <td colspan="3" class="customer-message">{$lng.txt_product_options_combinations_warn}:</td> </tr> {foreach from=$product_options_ex item=v} <tr> <td colspan="3" class="poptions-exceptions-list"> {foreach from=$v item=o} {strip} <div> {if $usertype eq "A"} {$o.class} {else} {$o.classtext|escape} {/if} : {$o.option_name|escape} </div> {/strip} {/foreach} </td> </tr> {/foreach} {/if} {/if}
Sunthing Productions
Version 4.5
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