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Old 03-06-2019, 10:24 AM
Matthew Moran Matthew Moran is offline

Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 6

Default Re: Updating Description HTML via Import

Hi Alex,

Isn't this forum where I would ask other store owners? If so, consider the question asked.

It wasn't the number of products being updated, it was creating/updating the HTML to be well-formed in a cell in Excel to ensure it remains in the proper column.

If a mistake is made with a comma outside of a quotation mark, it becomes pretty simple to break the upload. Plus updating those HTML descriptions has it's own challenges when considering updating several (100-500) products at once.

At this point, we either have an HTML document with sections (using ID's) that includes the short description and the expanded description. I can extract those HTML sections by product for a given upload and write directly to the MySQL DB or add these sections to a csv (Excel file) based on the sku.

But still working out the management for my client.

Matthew Moran
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