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Old 04-26-2009, 05:54 AM
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AusNetIT AusNetIT is offline

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Default Re: Pure CSS Rounded Boxes! (no images, no tables)

Originally Posted by stizz

Wonderful mod! I used the round boxes in products_t.tpl to make round boxes on my thumbnails. It worked out fine, now i still got one problem.
The boxes i made look like this:

As you can see the left cell is in height smaller than the other 2 cells. I would like to have all these cells same height same width. Besides that you might see that the productnames contain or 1 or 2 lines. When they contain 2 lines the picture is lower than with 1 line of productname text. I've been trying to get the product names, images and prices (below) all on the same rows like:

Product name Product name short

Image image

Price Price

Could anyone please help me out on this? It's driving me crazy.
Thanks in advance! (sorry for the long codes, didn't know how to create a scrollbox)

Here's the code i'm trying to change in products_t.tpl:

{* $Id: products_t.tpl,v 2006/11/27 11:40:25 max Exp $ *}
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<table width="680px" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<table bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0">

{math equation="floor(100/x)" x=$config.Appearance.products_per_row assign="width"}

{section name=product loop=$products}
{assign var="discount" value=0}

{if %product.index% is div by $config.Appearance.products_per_row}
{assign var="cell_counter" value=0}

{math equation="x+1" x=$cell_counter assign="cell_counter" }

<td width="{$width}%" class="PListCell">

<div class="xroundedthumb">
<b class="xtop">
<b class="xb1"></b>
<b class="xb2 color_a"></b>
<b class="xb3 color_a"></b>
<b class="xb4 color_a"></b>
<div class="xboxcontent">
{if $link_href}<a href="{$link_href}">{/if}
{if $link_href}
<a href="product.php?productid={$products[product].productid}&amp;cat={$cat}&amp;page={$navigation_p age}" class="ProductTitle">{$products[product].product}</a><br />
{if $config.Appearance.display_productcode_in_list eq "Y" and $products[product].productcode ne ""}
{$lng.lbl_sku}: {$products[product].productcode}<br />
<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100">
<td height="100" nowrap="nowrap">
<a href="product.php?productid={$products[product].productid}&amp;cat={$cat}&amp;page={$navigation_p age}">
{include file="product_thumbnail.tpl" productid=$products[product].productid image_x=$products[product].tmbn_x|default:$config.Appearance.thumbnail_width image_y=$products[product].tmbn_y product=$products[product].product tmbn_url=$products[product].tmbn_url}</a>
{if $active_modules.Special_Offers ne "" and $products[product].have_offers}
{include file="modules/Special_Offers/customer/product_offer_thumb.tpl" product=$products[product]}

{*<a href="product.php?productid={$products[product].productid}&amp;cat={$cat}&amp;page={$navigation_p age}">{$lng.lbl_see_details}</a>*}
{if $products[product].product_type ne "C"}
<br />
<br />
{if $active_modules.Subscriptions ne "" and $products[product].catalogprice}
{include file="modules/Subscriptions/subscription_info_inlist.tpl"}
{if $config.General.unlimited_products ne "Y" && ($products[product].avail le 0 or $products[product].avail lt $products[product].min_amount) && $products[product].variantid}
{elseif $products[product].taxed_price ne 0}
{if $products[product].list_price gt 0 and $products[product].taxed_price lt $products[product].list_price}
{math equation="100-(price/lprice)*100" price=$products[product].taxed_price lprice=$products[product].list_price format="%3.0f" assign=discount}
{if $discount gt 0}
<font class="MarketPrice">{$lng.lbl_market_price}: <s>
{include file="currency.tpl" value=$products[product].list_price}
</s></font><br />

<font class="ProductPrice">{$lng.lbl_our_price}: {include file="currency.tpl" value=$products[product].taxed_price}</font><br /><font class="MarketPrice">{include file="customer/main/alter_currency_value.tpl" alter_currency_value=$products[product].taxed_price}</font>{if $discount gt 0}{if $config.General.alter_currency_symbol ne ""},{/if} {$lng.lbl_save_price} {$discount}%{/if}
{if $products[product].taxes}<br />{/if}
{if $active_modules.Special_Offers ne "" and $products[product].use_special_price ne ""}
{include file="modules/Special_Offers/customer/product_special_price.tpl" product=$products[product]}
<font class="ProductPrice">{$lng.lbl_enter_your_price}
<b class="xbottom">
<b class="xb4"></b>
<b class="xb3"></b>
<b class="xb2"></b>
<b class="xb1"></b>
{if $active_modules.Feature_Comparison ne '' && $products[product].fclassid > 0}
<div align="center" style="width: 100%; padding-top: 10px;">

{include file="modules/Feature_Comparison/compare_checkbox.tpl" id=$products[product].productid}

{*** Uncomment it if you need 'Buy Now' button ***
{if $usertype eq "C" and $config.Appearance.buynow_button_enabled eq "Y"}
{include file="customer/main/buy_now.tpl" product=$products[product]}
*** Uncomment it if you need 'Buy Now' button ***}

{capture name=prod_index}
{math equation="index+x+1" index=%product.index% x=$config.Appearance.products_per_row}
{if $smarty.capture.prod_index is div by $config.Appearance.products_per_row }


{if $cell_counter lt $config.Appearance.products_per_row}
{section name=rest_cells loop=$config.Appearance.products_per_row start=$cell_counter}
<td class="SectionBox">&nbsp;</td>



{if $active_modules.Feature_Comparison ne '' && $products && $printable ne 'Y' && $products_has_fclasses}
{include file="modules/Feature_Comparison/compare_selected_button.tpl"}


I want to do the same but i can not see any boarder around the product?
yes, i follow the Post #1
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