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Old 10-13-2013, 10:02 PM
BBM_ BBM_ is online now

Join Date: May 2010
Location: Australia
Posts: 595

Default Sort by default - only descending products show

Can someone let me know if that have the same issue on a 4.6.1 version of X-Cart.

I have imported some basic product info for testing, sort by default shows all products in the relevant category when descending is selected, however change it to ascending and only 1 product shows?

According to the manual they should be sorted by their POS value (which are all identical at 0)

I've rebuilt the category indexes, rebuilt the cache and muttered a few choice terms under my breath but to no avail.

An export of the data shows all products are identical.

Could I have missed something perhaps?

Thanks in advance.

Edit: to clarify all other sort functions work correctly, just default.
Multiple instances of X-cart
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