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Old 12-29-2010, 09:51 PM
Learner Learner is offline

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Default Re: Display latest Wordpress Posts

Originally Posted by autobulbs
This mod assumes that you use the Wordpress blogging software and uses the same database as your xcart software.
If your wordpress and x-cart use separate database then use this code for blog_headlines.php

If you do not use the default Wordpress SQL table prefix than you will need to specify it in the select query.
For example, change wp_posts to yourprefix_posts

Create xcart-root/include/blog_headlines.php and paste this in it:
<?php $blog_headlines = func_query("SELECT post_title,guid,post_date as orderby, DATE_FORMAT(post_date,'%d/%m/%Y') as post_date FROM wp_posts WHERE post_status = 'publish' group by post_title order by orderby desc limit 3"); array("blog_headlines" => array()); $smarty->assign("blog_headlines", $blog_headlines); ?>

Create xcart-root/skin1/blog_headlines.tpl and paste this in it:
{* $Id: blog_headlines.tpl,v1 09/01/29 11:18:59 max Exp $ *} {capture name=menu} {foreach from=$blog_headlines item=bh}<a href="{$bh.guid}" class="blog_headlines">{$bh.post_title}</a><div class="blog_headlines">{$bh.post_date}</div><br class="blog_headlines"/><hr noshade="noshade" size="1" class="blog_headlines" />{/foreach} {/capture} {include file="menu.tpl" dingbats="dingbats_categorie.gif" menu_title="Blog Headlines" menu_content=$}

Open xcart-root/init.php and add this at the end:
#Blog Headlines include($xcart_dir."/include/blog_headlines.php");

Open xcart-root/skin1/skin1.css and add this:
/*** Blog Headlines Styles Start ***/ a.blog_headlines { /* The link */ display:block; } a.blog_headlines:hover { /* The link when hovered over */ background:#d7d7d7; } hr.blog_headlines { /* The line */ color:#e1e1e1; } div.blog_headlines { /* The date */ float:right; } br.blog_headlines{ clear:left; } /*** Blog Headlines Styles End ***/

Open xcart-root/skin1/customer/home.tpl file and add this within VertMenuLeftColumn (or where ever appropriate):
{include file="blog_headlines.tpl"}

Hi I have x cart Pro 4.1.9 and my wordpress is in my same folder(within blog folder) of my domain with different database.After Adding codes
-#Blog Headlines
include($xcart_dir."/include/blog_headlines.php"); at the end
The entire store getting blank.How to solve this issue??

What is the exact codes for 4.1.9 Versions??

How to resolve this issue??
4.6.1 Platinum

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