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Old 06-27-2005, 03:43 PM
plesneski plesneski is offline

Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 9


Would be nice to see it in the core, especially if someone paid to have it put there. For now, this is our solution in the 4.0.x branch:

Somewhere around line 1500 of include/func.php, at the top of function func_calculate_taxes(), find this code:

$taxes = array(); $taxes["total"] = 0; $taxes["shipping"] = 0; $__taxes = array(); foreach($products as $k=>$product) {

And so forth.... Now, after it sets the shipping taxes to zero and BEFORE the foreach loop starts, add this:

// dealer-wholesalers don't pay taxes // if (is_wholesale_membership($customer_info['membership'])) { return $taxes; }

Um, we have a custom-built solution for assigning membership levels as "wholesale levels", which is what that is_wholesale_membership() function is, but you can replace that line with the following if you just have one membership level you want to hard-code as the tax-exempt wholesale membership:

if ($customer_info['membership'] == 'Wholesale')

Change "Wholesale" to whatever your membership level is called.


Version 4.0.13
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