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Old 01-30-2008, 06:43 PM
levo levo is offline

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Location: Chicago, IL USA
Posts: 20

Default Re: Free Shipping if over $X, not with a coupon

Originally Posted by eastman
The mod is great, but I do have one question. I'm receiving an error when the module tries to select a shipping method.

Error: Smarty error: [in modules/Fast_Lane_Checkout/shipping_methods.tpl line 129]: syntax error: unclosed tag {if} (opened line 57).

Where is that {if} tag supposed to be placed? Here is my current code:

Hopefully someone can get me on the right path. Thanks!

This is a fresh version of 4.1.9.



I think you've duplicated one of the sections. Try removing the code I've highlighted in red:

{if $login ne "" || $config.General.apply_default_country eq "Y" || $cart.shipping_cost gt 0} {foreach from=$shipping item=s} {if (($s.shippingid eq 333) and ($freeoverx_enabled eq 1))} {assign var=checked value="checked"} {elseif (($s.shippingid eq $cart.shippingid) and ($freeoverx_enabled ne 1))} {assign var=checked value="checked"} {else} {assign var=checked value=""} {/if} {if (($freeoverx_enabled ne 1) || ($config.FreeOverX_Shipping.freeoverx_shipping_method ne $s.shippingid))} <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="100%"{cycle values=" class='TableSubHead', "}> <tr> <td width="5"><input type="radio" id="shippingid{$s.shippingid}" name="shippingid" value="{$s.shippingid}" {$checked} {if $allow_cod} onclick="javascript: display_cod({if $s.is_cod eq 'Y'}true{else}false{/if});"{/if} /></td> <td><label for="shippingid{$s.shippingid}">{if $s.shippingid eq 333}<span style="color: red;">{/if}{$s.shipping|trademark:$insert_trademark}{if $s.shippingid eq 333}</span>{/if}{if $s.shipping_time ne ""} - {$s.shipping_time}{/if}{if $config.Appearance.display_shipping_cost eq "Y" and ($login ne "" or $config.General.apply_default_country eq "Y" or $cart.shipping_cost gt 0)} ({include file="currency.tpl" value=$s.rate}){/if}</label></td> </tr> {if $s.warning ne ""} <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td class="{if $s.shippingid eq $cart.shippingid}ErrorMessage{else}SmallText{/if}">{$s.warning}</td> </tr> {/if} </table> {/if} {/foreach} {if $login ne "" || $config.General.apply_default_country eq "Y" || $cart.shipping_cost gt 0} {foreach from=$shipping item=s} <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="100%"{cycle values=" class='TableSubHead', "}> <tr> <td width="5"><input type="radio" id="shippingid{$s.shippingid}" name="shippingid" value="{$s.shippingid}"{if $s.shippingid eq $cart.shippingid} checked="checked"{/if}{if $allow_cod} onclick="javascript: display_cod({if $s.is_cod eq 'Y'}true{else}false{/if});"{/if} /></td> <td><label for="shippingid{$s.shippingid}">{$s.shipping|trade mark:$insert_trademark}{if $s.shipping_time ne ""} - {$s.shipping_time}{/if}{if $config.Appearance.display_shipping_cost eq "Y" and ($login ne "" or $config.General.apply_default_country eq "Y" or $cart.shipping_cost gt 0)} ({include file="currency.tpl" value=$s.rate}){/if}</label></td> </tr> {if $s.warning ne ""} <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td class="{if $s.shippingid eq $cart.shippingid}ErrorMessage{else}SmallText{/if}">{$s.warning}</td> </tr> {/if} </table> {/foreach}

Please let me know if the above helps or not. Also, I've made a few improvements to the mod recently - I'll try to post the details as soon as I can.

Nathan T. Harper
Nth Degree Consulting
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