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Old 09-26-2015, 10:59 AM
mcpilot mcpilot is offline

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Default Pulling signatures from the Address Book

This is an X-Cart insallation. I upgraded from an old X-Cart version to 4.7.0, and some of the database structures have changed.

In the old system, I used to pull signatures as administrators sent customized shopping carts out to customers using the following code;

<div style="width:746px; background-color:#ffffff; padding:10px;"> {if $admin_info.signature} {$admin_info.signature} {else} Take Care, <p> {$admin_info.firstname} {$admin_info.lastname}<br> {$config.Company.company_name}<br /> <a href="mailto:{$}">{$}</a><br> Direct: {$}<br /> {$lng.lbl_fax}: {$config.Company.company_fax}<br /> <a href="{$http_location}/" target=_new>{$config.Company.company_website}</a> </span></p> {/if} </div>

The contact info for these sales reps who send these customized carts now resides in a different table. xcart_address_book is the table.

How can I configure the DB calls to pull the names and addresses and display them with the new database? Is this enough info or is more needed?

Any help would be appreciated.
Version 4.7.0
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