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Old 03-10-2023, 07:12 AM
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cflsystems cflsystems is offline

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Default How to upgrade from XC 5.4.x to 5.5.x

I ran into some issues with first site I upgraded from 5.4.x to 5.5.x so here are some notes to help others.

1. Check your hosting account and make sure you have terminal access - either from within the account or ssh. You absolutely will need this. If you do not have access like this STOP. Contact your host and ask them to turn it on for you.
2. If you do not know how to use the command line or are not comfortable using it - STOP. Hire someone who knows that to upgrade your site.
3. Make sure before you start to close the store and make a good backup of all files and database. Make 2 backups or 3 if you want to be extra careful and protected.
4. Make sure you have XC 5.5.x ready version for all addons you need including the custom ones. If you do not have them ready or some of the marketplace addons are not ready yet - STOP. Do not run the upgrade before you have all you need ready.
5. Make sure you are running the cart on PHP 7.4.x and MySQL 8. XC 5.5.x works only on PHP 7.4 and 8 (not 8.1 or 8.2). XC 5.4.x is not PHP 8 compatible.
6. If you have any custom addons the upgrade screen will warn you they will be disabled during the upgrade process. Don't let this fool you - they will be deleted. However if these custom addons make any changes to database these changes will be preserved, for now.
7. Run the upgrade from admin. The upgrade process pops up a warning 2-3 times about the new version needed to point to "public" directory and is telling you after the upgrade to follow this - If you have custom addons - IGNORE it. Do NOT follow this or you will end up losing data.
8. When the upgrade is done just leave it as is. I suggest even log out. You can browse admin and storefront if you want to but do NOT run rebuild, cache clear or anything that may cause the cart to regenerate its working files. If you do at this point you will lose data. Keep in mind while you can browse the site at this point not everything will work or work properly due to the site's entry point not being set to "public" directory. Even though XC says fallback is provided at this point not everything works. So it is probably best not to go too much into testing or browsing.
9. Upload your 5.5.x ready custom addons. You will need to have access to your server and manually upload the packages to "modules" directory - upload the actual files/directories not the installation package. For now just upload. With XC 5.5.x the ability to install non-marketplace addons from admin has been removed. The only way to install non-marketplace addons is to login to your hosting account and manually upload the files. Makes you wonder why XC is cutting off 3rd party custom work like this making it more difficult to install addons?!?!
10. You need to make a change to the database if you have any custom addons. The upgrade process completely removes the custom addons files however it keeps their entries in the database as well as a record in service_module table. You need to change the records in the service_module table. Open the table and find the record(s) for the custom addons. Under "version" and "last_enabled_version" change the entry from whatever it is (maybe you have "") to "" or whatever your addon 5.5.x version is. Basially you have to change it from 5.4.x to 5.5.x. Without doing this you will not be able to enable/disable the addon from admin or see its settings page. This is clearly a bug in the cart and the upgrade process.
11. With this database change and the custom addons uploaded to "modules" directory now you are ready to make the web server changes. Follow this - Ask the host to do it for you if you do not have proper access. Then run the rebuild process - best if you do this from the command line rather than admin.
12. After that check the database and make sure your custom addons entries to different tables (if any) are still present in there. If not - you will have to restore from backup and start over.
13. The rebuild will not enable the custom addons. You will need to do that either from admin or one by one on the CLI - ./bin/service xcst:rebuild --enable=AUTHOR-ADDON
14. The upgrade process will transfer whatever is XC default to the "public" directory if need to. However it will not transfer anything custom you have in "var" directory. Also - XC 5.4.x has "public" directory too and if you used it to store anything non-XC standard in there it will be deleted by the upgrade process. Directories will be preserved but files deleted which is strange. I consider this a bug in the upgrade process.
15. To the above - XC 5.5.x runs off of the "public" directory; anything custom you had under "var" - move it to "public/var"; anything custom you had under "public" in 5.4.x - restore from backup. Any references in your code or database to files as "public/some_file" you will have to change to "some_file" - "public" is assumed.

This is based on my experience with site with custom addons. If you do not have any "non-marketplace" addons most of this does not apply as the upgrade process will do what's needed. You still need server access and to make the changes to the web server config for the site. The upgrade will not do this for you.

While on the server - check the .env.local file and make sure the info in there is correct. If this is live site change the APP_ENV from "dev" to "prod" (or remove the line), also APP_DEBUG to 0 (or remove the line). Although the help/comments are limited you can look in .env file for different setup options. Do not change anything in the .env file - use it as reference only. .env.local is the working file you modify if need to.

I am sure there's more to say but so far this is what I found. Suggestion - copy your live site to your local machine or create a copy of it under different VPS and do the upgrade there first as a test; if all good you can repeat the process on the live site.
Steve Stoyanov
Web Development
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