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Old 03-13-2003, 10:46 AM
movienett movienett is offline

Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Norway
Posts: 27

Default smarty error....need help!!

Suddenly i got this error :Warning: Smarty error: problem writing '../templates_c/%%151/%%1512206380/home.tpl.php.' in /home/movienett/www/shop/Smarty-2.3.0/Smarty.class.php on line 589
here is my home.tpl, does anyone see any bugs here ?

{* $Id: home.tpl,v 1.42 2002/10/22 10:27:05 olga Exp $ *} { config_load file="$skin_config" } <html> <head> <title> {$lng.txt_site_title} {if $main eq "catalog"} {if $location eq ""} {$lng.txt_subtitle_home} {else} {strip} {section name=position loop=$location start=0 } {if %position.last% eq "true"} - {$location[position].0|escape} {/if} {/section} {/strip} {/if} {elseif $main eq "product"} {if $product.product ne ''} - {$product.product} {/if} {elseif $main eq "help"} {$lng.txt_subtitle_help} {elseif $main eq "cart"} {$lng.txt_subtitle_cart} {elseif $main eq "checkout"} {$lng.txt_subtitle_checkout} {elseif $main eq "order_message"} {$lng.txt_subtitle_thankyou} {/if} </title> { include file="meta.tpl" } <link rel="stylesheet" href="{$SkinDir}/{#CSSFile#}"> <style type="text/css"> </style> </head> <body LEFTMARGIN=0 TOPMARGIN=20 RIGHTMARGIN=0 BOTTOMMARGIN=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0> <div align="center"><table width="780" border="1" bordercolor="#000066" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td valign="top"> { include file="head.tpl" } <table border=0 width=780 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align="center"> <tr> <td width=150 valign=top background="{$ImagesDir}/bg.gif"> { include file="customer/categories.tpl" } {if $active_modules.Bestsellers ne "" and $config.Modules.bestsellers_menu eq "Y"} { include file="modules/Bestsellers/menu_bestsellers.tpl" } {/if} {if $active_modules.Gift_Certificates ne ""} { include file="modules/Gift_Certificates/gc_menu.tpl" } {/if} { include file="help.tpl" } </td> <td width=20 bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></td> <td valign=top width="432" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> {include file="customer/home_main.tpl"} </td> <td width=20 bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></td> <td width=150 valign=top background="{$ImagesDir}/bg.gif"> { include file="customer/menu_cart.tpl" } {if $login eq "" } { include file="auth.tpl" } {else} { include file="authbox.tpl" } {/if} { include file="news.tpl" } </td> </tr> <tr> <td background="{$ImagesDir}/meny_bg.gif"></td> <td background="{$ImagesDir}/meny_bg.gif"></td> <td background="{$ImagesDir}/meny_bg.gif"> { include file="copyright.tpl" } </td> <td background="{$ImagesDir}/meny_bg.gif"></td> <td background="{$ImagesDir}/meny_bg.gif"></td> </tr> </table> </td></tr></table></div> </body> </html>
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