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Old 08-31-2012, 07:43 PM
jillsybte jillsybte is offline

Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: New York, USA
Posts: 389

Default Re: Do we need X-Payments?

OK, I feel like an idiot, but I am thoroughly confused about X-Payments. I wish to use the Quantum Gateway iFrame option. In the 4.5.2 Payment Methods section, this method is listed under CC processors, not under the methods that state they require X-Payments. Does this mean I don't need X-Payments to use the Quantum Gateway iFrame method? And is it PCI-DSS compliant without X-Payments? From what I've read about the latest X-Cart versions, I'm under the impression that X-Cart is no longer supporting any methods that aren't compliant.

If not, what about Quantum's other option that involves redirecting the customer to pay via CC? That shouldn't require X-Payments, right?

I don't particularly want to do the redirect, but I also don't want to go through all the trouble with X-Payments I see people are having. In addition, I don't want to double my hosting costs so I can have another account just to host X-Payments. My host (EWD) uses Quantum with redirect and, although the interface isn't particularly attractive, it seems to work OK when I use it to pay for services, etc. via CC.

What is my best option to avoid using X-Payments?
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