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Old 03-27-2019, 08:31 AM
welly welly is offline

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Posts: 209

Default Another custom module question


I want to change two methods in the GiftCerts class which is part of the gift certificate module.

The original GiftCerts.php file in question is:

The namespace is: namespace XLite\Module\RedSqui\GiftCertificates\Model;

The class declaration is: class GiftCerts extends \XLite\Model\AEntity implements \XLite\Model\Base\IOrderItem

I have created a module and my copy of the GiftCerts.php file is:

My namespace is: namespace XLite\Module\TLines\GiftCertificates\Module\RedSqu i\GiftCertificates\Model;

But that's where I get stuck. I'm not sure what my class declaration should look like. The 'implements \XLite\Model\Base\IOrderItem' element of the original is confusing me, and I'm not sure how that affects the declaration I make as the other modules I have played with don't have this.

Can anyone give me a hint? The logic is still a bit alien to me.

Many thanks

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