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Old 07-03-2010, 09:29 AM
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DogByteMan DogByteMan is offline

Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 833

Default Installation of X-Payments Connector on X-Cart 4.1.12 (Part 3)

From your admin area go to Patch/Upgrade and in the Apply SQL patch, SQL query(ies):
Copy and paste the following then apply it. WARNING! The below is for the X-Cart 4.1.12 US English language variables

replace into xcart_languages values ('US','lbl_xpc_auth','Auth','Labels'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','lbl_xpc_capture','Capture','Labels'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','lbl_xpc_void','Void','Labels'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','lbl_xpc_refund','Refund','Labels'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','lbl_xpc_pm_id','X-Payments configuration ID','Labels'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','lbl_xpc_recommendations','Failed to meet PCI-DSS requirements','Labels'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_msg_import_request_failed','Error had occured during the requesting of payment methods from X-Payments. See log files for details.','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_msg_import_request_empty','There are no payment configurations for this store.','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_msg_import_success','Payment methods have been successfully imported','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_msg_import_failed','Error had occured during the importing of payment methods to the database','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_msg_import_no_pm','There are no payment methods to import','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_msg_test_success','Test transaction successfully complete.','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_msg_test_failed','Test transaction failed. Please check the X-Payment Connector settings and try again. If all options is ok review your X-Payments settings and make sure you have properly defined shopping cart properties.','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_requirements_failed','Failed to meet environment requirements','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_sys_check_failed','Configuration problems','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_paypal_dp_equals_option','Cardholder data must be collected in X-Payments','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_paypal_dp_equals_list','Select payment method configured on X-Payments side','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_paypal_dp_note','To collect cardholder data in X-Payments, the payment method must be configured exactly the same in X-Cart as it is in X-Payments.','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_paypal_dp_empty_warning','The payment method is not configured in X-Cart, so it is impossible to define whether integration configuration is identical in X-Cart and in X-Payments.','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_paypal_dp_equal_warning','The payment method in X-Cart is configured in a different way or using different parameters, than in X-Payments. The modules must be configured exactly the same for the integration to work correctly.','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_reqerr_curl','PHP extension cURL is not installed on your server.','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_reqerr_openssl','PHP extension OpenSSL is not installed on your server.','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_reqerr_dom','PHP extension DOM is not installed on your server.','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_syserr_cartid','Store ID is empty or has an incorrect value.','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_syserr_url','X-Payments URL is empty or has an incorrect value.','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_syserr_pubkey','Public key is empty','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_syserr_privkey','Private key is empty','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_syserr_privkeypass','Private key password is empty','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','lbl_aom_order_status_note_13','Status was changed automatically according to the response of X-Payments.','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_payment_info','Payment information','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_view_payment_info','View payment information','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_transaction_list','Transaction list','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_date_time','Date, time','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_result_payment_status','Result payment status','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_transaction_result','Transaction result','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_other_info','Additional info','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_type','Type','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_message','Message','Text'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','lbl_xpc_config_description','The values of Store ID, Public key, Private key and Private key password fields should be copied from this online store details page in X-Payments back-end.','Labels'); replace into xcart_languages values ('US','txt_xpc_txnid','Transaction ID','Text');
Dedicated Server provided by EWD Hosting
X-Cart version 4.1.12
PHP 5.3.2
MySQL server 5.0.87-community
Operation system Linux
Perl 5.008008
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