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Old 11-03-2015, 02:25 PM
NeilSheridan NeilSheridan is offline

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Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 44

Default Lay-by / Lay-Way

The Xcart package is simply awesome. The developers have in my opinion done an outstanding job in creating and updating this product. However...

One feature that is missing is a Lay-by system. We sell a large number of expensive items and offering an automated system for customers to pay what they want when they want within a predetermined timeframe would be incredibly beneficial. I've searched and search and I can't find anything that will "bolt on". There are a few queries via Freelancers, but this introduces potential problems when the core code is updated and things stop working..

I know PayPal offers an instalments payment option, but from what I can see means the customers is forced into a monthly amount, and I know from experience some of our customers pay different amounts each week/fortnight/month...

I would really appreciate any suggestions on how we can introduce this method. Doing manually as we are now is an administrative nightmare.

Thanks in advance

xCart Gold 4.7.9
reBOOT 4.7.9
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