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Old 08-14-2005, 11:15 PM
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Dongan Dongan is offline

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Default Customization of dialog part of individual pages


I think it is not too complicated to implement. however you should be bit careful.

This is an example for creating the own look for product view details part. You can make the changes like this to all the pages you wish to differentiate from the default dialog design.

1) Create a file dialog_product.tpl under skin1 directory.

2) Copy the contents of dialog.tpl to dialog_product.tpl file

3) Now change the look of the dialog_product.tpl as you want

4) Here is the trick...

Open skin1/customer/product.tpl file


change the code

{capture menu=dialog}


{capture menu=dialog_product}

then come to the capture close part...

{include file="dialog.tpl" title=$product.producttitle content=$smarty.capture.dialog extra="width=100%"}

change this to

{include file="dialog_product.tpl" title=$product.producttitle content=$smarty.capture.dialog_product extra="width=100%"}

that's it.
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