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Old 11-17-2014, 04:47 PM
SignTorch SignTorch is offline

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Posts: 30

Default Re: Remove attributes with multiple values from Specification Tab?

Here's a way I found to hide product specific attributes that are not in a group

In my case I had several global attributes to display

and when I added 2 yes/no product-specific attributes for variants, those attributes display on top with yes/no as the value, which doesn't look right and is unnecessary

as luck would have it, my global attributes were all in a group, and the template that displays attributes has two IF statements to place a <div> around grouped attributes, which can be made into one IF block that only displays grouped attributes,

so that the yes/no attributes do not get displayed because they are not in a group

copy skins\default\en\product\details\parts\attribute.t pl

to skins\custom_skin\default\en\product\details\parts \attribute.tpl

and comment out the first {end} and the second {if:getAttributeGroup()} statements

{if:getAttributeGroup()} <li><div class="head-h3">{getTitle()}</div> <ul> {*end:*} <li FOREACH="getAttrList(),a"> <div><strong>{}</strong></div> <span class="{a.class}">{a.value:nl2br}</span> </li> {*if:getAttributeGroup()*} </ul> </li> {end:}

instead of only hiding attributes that are not grouped, you could probably expand the if statement to hide specific groups of attributes based on the group title in {getTitle()}
SignTorch Vector Graphics
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