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Old 08-04-2006, 03:19 AM
Dom B Dom B is offline

Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 13

Default Brand, model,year, same products different price

Hi there,
I want my store to have just 6 products.

The store is going to be for certain vehicle parts.

On the first page there will be a Brand, Model, Year drop down probably from one of the commercial mods that are available from sellers like cart-lab or

I would like the 6 products to be linked to all possible vehicle choices, so that any vehicle choice results in the 6 products being shown. So customers can see all available products with the correct prices so they can browse and choose whick they would like.

However I want the prices of these displayed products to be changed depending on what was searched for on the Brand Model Year search.

I cannon think of how to do this other than have the same 6 products descriptions and images duplicated for each vehicle combination, of which there are 11,600. So 11,600 times 6 products = 69600 individual images and product descriptions.

I am really stuck on this one, and very new to xcart.

Any ideas.

Dom B
Version 4.1.2
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