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Old 06-29-2006, 04:02 PM
mffowler mffowler is offline

Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 811


Close, but use the file system for the cat. images. The code needs to be reworked using sections to allow for multiple columns (am trying it now), but here's your previous code with names and content and using the file system. I have left your database image call to see what was coded out...
{if $subcategories} <table border="0" cellspacing="5" width="100%"> <tr> {foreach from=$subcategories item=subcat} {if $tmp is not div by 2} </tr><tr valign="top"> {/if} <td class="SubcatTitle"><a href="home.php?cat={ $subcat.categoryid }" title="{ $subcat.category }">{if $subcat.icon_url}[img]{$subcat.icon_url}[/img]{else}[img]{$xcart_web_dir}/default_icon.gif[/img]{/if} {* [img]image.php?id={$subcat.categoryid}&amp;type=C[/img] *} </a> <font class="ItemsList">{ $subcat.category|escape }</font> {if $config.Appearance.count_products eq "Y"} {if $subcat.product_count}{ $subcat.product_count } {$lng.lbl_products} {elseif $subcat.subcategory_count}{ $subcat.subcategory_count } {$lng.lbl_categories|lower} {/if} {/if} </td> {assign var="tmp" value=$tmp+1} {/foreach} </tr></table> {/if}
- Mike
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