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Old 03-04-2003, 05:01 PM
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jeffwill jeffwill is offline

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Posts: 41

Default Made some progress


I made SOME progress with the cart_totals.tpl template. I got it to look like I want it, visually.

My problem is; I don't know how to perform the calculations.

I have to figure out how to assign a value to {$lng.lbl_small_order}.

At the moment I've used $cart.total_cost. Obviously this won't work. Can you tell me where and how I can assign a new value for the small_order file?

<font class=FormButton>{$lng.lbl_small_order}:</font> <font class=ProductPriceSmall> {include file="currency.tpl" value=$cart.total_cost}</font> {include file="customer/main/alter_currency_value.tpl" alter_currency_value=$cart.total_cost}

I also have to compute a formula that says something like:

{if ( $cart.sub_total > 50.00 ) } <font color="#FF0000"> You've Earned FREE UPS Ground Shipping. </font> {else} <font color="#FF0000"> Your order is below our $50 minimum to qualify for FREE shipping. You can continue with your order but are subject to a $6.00 small order fee. </font> {/if}

Your help is very much appreciated. I am well on my way to getting this thing working like I want it and learning a ton of stuff that I'll be able to use to help others, perhaps enough to relieve your burden sometime.


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