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Old 01-29-2011, 12:08 AM
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Wazowski Wazowski is offline

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Thumbs up Re: Highlight current menu item

Went nuts with these templates!

1. The template path is not ⌠skin/common_files/customer/categories.tpl■ but ⌠skin/common_files/modules/Flyout_Menus/Icons/■ as far as I use Flyout Menus module.

2. I almost got mad trying to figure out why all changes were not displayed on the website. The answer was simple √ I had to clean cash with /cleanup.php.

3. Had to modify the code to

{if $current_category.categoryid eq $c.categoryid} <a href="home.php?cat={$catid}" style="text-decoration: underline"> {/if}

So now the whole <li> block looks like this:

<li id="cat-layer-{$c.categoryid}"{interline name=$loop_name additional_class=$additional_class}> {strip} {if $config.Flyout_Menus.icons_disable_subcat_triangle eq 'Y' and $c.subcategory_count gt 0} <a href="home.php?cat={$catid}" class="arrow" onclick="javascript: return switchSubcatLayer(this);"></a> {/if} <!-- current category highlight --> {if $current_category.categoryid eq $c.categoryid} <a href="home.php?cat={$catid}" style="text-decoration: underline"> {else} <!-- /current category highlight --> <a href="home.php?cat={$catid}" class="{if $config.Flyout_Menus.icons_icons_in_categories gte $level+1}icon-link{/if}{if $config.Flyout_Menus.icons_disable_subcat_triangle eq 'Y' and $c.subcategory_count gt 0} sub-link{/if}{if $config.Flyout_Menus.icons_empty_category_vis eq 'Y' and not $c.childs and not $c.product_count} empty-link{/if}{if $config.Flyout_Menus.icons_nowrap_category ne 'Y'} nowrap-link{/if}"> {/if} {$c.category|amp} {if $config.Flyout_Menus.icons_display_products_cnt eq 'Y' and $c.top_product_count gt 0} ({$c.top_product_count}) {/if} </a> {/strip} {if $c.childs and $c.subcategory_count gt 0 and ($config.Flyout_Menus.icons_levels_limit eq 0 or $config.Flyout_Menus.icons_levels_limit gt $level)} {include file="`$fc_skin_path`/fancy_subcategories_exp.tpl" categories_menu_list=$c.childs parentid=$catid level=$level+1} {/if} </li>

4. ⌠font-style■ didn▓t work out for "underline" so I changed it to ⌠text-decoration■.

And finally it works! Thank you guys very much for help!
X-Cart version 4.5.5
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