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Old 02-04-2003, 09:28 AM
Cameron Cameron is offline

Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Washington State, USA
Posts: 224


Hi Deb and Shan. Thank you for the replies. I know I'm close to the solution, but need a little more help. The .tpl file in question is /customer/main/cart_totals.tpl However, restoring the file doesn't fix the problem. Here is the {if} statement in cart_totals.tpl that displays the delivery option:
{if $shipping ne ""}
<font class=FormButton>{$lng.lbl_delivery}: </font>
<select name=shippingid onchange="document.cartform.submit()">
{section name=ship_num loop=$shipping}
<option value="{$shipping[ship_num].shippingid}" {if $shipping[ship_num].shippingid eq $cart.shippingid}selected{/if}>{$shipping[ship_num].shipping|escape}</option>

<input type=hidden name=shippingid value=0>

So it looks like I'm looking for $lng.lbl_delivery but when I search all my x-cart files for lbl_delivery I get serveral .tpl files that are all just referring to that string. If I search for just lbl_delivery I also get xcart_data.sql but when I search that file the only line that refers to lbl_delivery is this:
INSERT INTO xcart_languages VALUES ('US','Delivery','lbl_delivery','Delivery','Labels ');

I'm pretty stumped at this point, so if anybody can shed light on where I need to go to correct this accidential change, I would be most grateful.

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