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Old 04-24-2019, 04:01 AM
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tony_sologubov tony_sologubov is offline

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Default Re: Retrieve product hidden attributes

Hi amarquis,

If you need to pull hidden attributes, you need to add the \XLite\Model\Attribute::TYPE_HIDDEN type to the following array mentioned in the article

array( \XLite\Model\Attribute::TYPE_CHECKBOX, \XLite\Model\Attribute::TYPE_TEXT )

so it would become:

array( \XLite\Model\Attribute::TYPE_CHECKBOX, \XLite\Model\Attribute::TYPE_TEXT, \XLite\Model\Attribute::TYPE_HIDDEN )

As for global attributes, you need to write a function that would return such attribute values. If you plan on extending \XLite\Model\Product class, this function can look like this:

public function getGlobalAttributes() { $cnd = new \XLite\Core\CommonCell; $cnd->product = $this->getProductId(); $attributeValues = \XLite\Core\Database::getRepo('XLite\Model\AttributeValue\AttributeValueSelect')->search($cnd); $return = []; foreach ($attributeValues as $attributeValue) { if (is_null($attributeValue->getAttribute()->getProduct())) { $return[] = $attributeValue->asString(); } } return $return; }

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