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Old 10-07-2009, 08:49 AM
carpeperdiem carpeperdiem is offline

Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: New York City, USA
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Default Re: X-Cart 4.3 beta testing

Discovered something in 4.3 beta 3:

One of my favorite mods forces any category with only one product to display the product page when the category is selected:

This mod works in all 4.1 versions. Do not know about 4.2 - and I can verify that it does not work in version 4.3 beta 3.

Maybe has something to do with clean urls?

Anyone know how I can edit this:

{if $products|@count eq 1} {assign var="prodURL" value="product.php?productid=`$products.0.productid`&cat=$cat&page=1"} {php} header( "Location: " . $GLOBALS[smarty]->_tpl_vars[prodURL] ); {/php} {/if}

I know that for CDSEO (basic) Jon provided an edit. I wonder if the clean URLs also require some kind of edit in 4.3?

==== EDIT =====

This works:
{assign var="prodURL" value="`$http_location`/`$products.0.page_url`"}


xcart 4.5.4 gold+ w/x-payments 1.0.6; xcart gold 4.4.4