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Old 08-24-2003, 05:07 PM
rodneyw rodneyw is offline

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Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 162


Just as a FYI the modifications to the Mets.tpl file will break the webmaster mode in x-cart 3.4.4

Here is the "patched" version of the meta.tpl file that I am using with this to make it work.

{* $Id: meta.tpl,v 1.9 2002/11/19 14:53:27 ndv Exp $ *} {* funkydunk metamod *}{if $current_category.meta_description ne ""}<META NAME="description" CONTENT="{$current_category.meta_description}">{else}<META NAME="description" CONTENT="{$config.Company.meta_description}">{/if}{* end of funkydunk metamod *} {if $current_category.meta_tags ne ""} <META NAME="keywords" content="{$current_category.meta_tags}"> {* funkydunk metamod *}{else}<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="{$config.Company.meta_keywords}">{* end of funkydunk metamod *}{/if} {* funkydunk metamod 2003 *} <META NAME="title" CONTENT="{$config.Company.meta_title}"> {* end of funkydunk metamod*} <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="INDEX,FOLLOW"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="noarchive"> <META NAME="audience" CONTENT="all"> <META NAME="revisit-after" CONTENT="7 days"> <META NAME="Content-Language" CONTENT="en-us,english"> <META NAME="distribution" CONTENT="global"> {if $webmaster_mode eq "editor"} {if ($usertype eq "P" or $usertype eq "A") and $login} <script>var store_language = "{$current_language}"</script> {else} <script>var store_language = "{$store_language}"</script> {/if} {if $user_agent eq "ns"} <script src="{$SkinDir}/editorns.js"></script> {else} <script src="{$SkinDir}/editor.js"></script> {/if} {/if}
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