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Old 09-20-2014, 09:09 AM
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peggyr peggyr is offline

Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 633

Default Re: CDSEO Pro v2.0 - The Official Thread - (Sneak Peak!)

I am 'trying' to upgrade to PHP 5.5, with a new encrypted CDSEO Pro 2.07 module and my IONCUBE upgrade failed, and I can't make the 'old' IONCUBE install work, and I can't get the new IONCUBE for 5.5 work.

Currently my store is closed, and I either need to 'uninstall' CDSEO and use Xcart catalog and sitemap, and create a lot of 301 redirects in my .htaccess, or keep my store closed (now been over 2 hrs) while I hopefully get IONCUBE working.

I understand the reason for encryption. Maybe, a 'backdoor' with a week expiration on the code that is 'unencrypted' could be made available.

CDSEO is my only addon (plus ezUpsell, but I can live without that for a while) -- which really impacts my store, if it doesn't work. If I go backwards to 'no CDSEO' -- it is very painful, if my store stays closed, while I create a lot of redirects, it is very painful.

Any ideas - ?

X-Cart GP 4.7.12 | XCARTMODS.CO.UK reBOOT (reDUX) | Live
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