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Old 06-20-2012, 07:21 AM
joss joss is offline

X-Cart team
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 60

Default Re: x-payments config - proxy settings

This command:

php '''regen-codebook.php''' -run <'''public_html/xpayments'''

consists of the following parts:

1) "php" - is the PHP binary file. You should use the PHP 5.3. binary with the necessary extensions installed (i.e. so that it meets the X-Payments system requirements). Possibly you'll need to run it with the -c path_to_php.ini_file option.

Contact your hosting to verify which PHP binary and ini file should be used.

2) "regen-codebook.php" is the name of the execuring PHP script. Since only file name is used, it's considered that you've already are in the directory where X-Payments is installed. Otherwise you may use the full server path to this file.

3) "-run" specifies that the regeneration should be preformed.

4) "public_html/xpayments" should be the full server path of the X-Payments directory. You may get it executing the pwd command via shell.

If you find it difficult to construct the command line yourself we advise you to contact support through HelpDesk:
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