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Old 08-23-2005, 05:15 AM
jeremye jeremye is offline

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Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Posts: 158


The new code below adds the ability to show the Product Code (SKU #) as an option. It is disabled by default; to enable it find where $show_sku = false; and change to true.

<? /*****************************************************************************\ Custom Sales Reports for X-Cart (versions 3.4.8+) Created 02/23/04 by Jeremy Eastburn Updated 08/23/05 by Jeremy Eastburn (added order status dropdown) Updated 08/23/05 by Jeremy Eastburn (added 'show sku' option) \*****************************************************************************/ /* Added require fields so that you must be logged in to view sales reports */ require "../smarty.php"; require "../config.php"; require "./auth.php"; require "../include/security.php"; /* Assign variables if register_globals = OFF */ $StartMonth = $HTTP_POST_VARS['StartMonth']; $StartDay = $HTTP_POST_VARS['StartDay']; $StartYear = $HTTP_POST_VARS['StartYear']; $EndMonth = $HTTP_POST_VARS['EndMonth']; $EndDay = $HTTP_POST_VARS['EndDay']; $EndYear = $HTTP_POST_VARS['EndYear']; $report_type = $HTTP_POST_VARS['report_type']; /* Set default and current order status value to be displayed */ $def_status = "C"; $status = ($HTTP_POST_VARS['status'] ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['status'] : $def_status); /* Change database connection settings per your server */ $db_host = "localhost"; $db_user = ""; $db_pwd = ""; $db_db = ""; /* For debug purposes; shows/hides product ID and SKU value in table */ /* Set to true to output product ID or SKU */ $show_id = false; $show_sku = false; /* Set variables to the first day your store opened */ $opened_month = "12"; $opened_day = "01"; $opened_year = "2003"; /* Make connection to database */ $connection = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pwd) or die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($db_db) or die("Could not select the specified mysql database."); /* Create start/end dates for SQL queries */ $start_date = mktime(0,0,0,$StartMonth,$StartDay,$StartYear); $end_date = mktime(23,59,59,$EndMonth,$EndDay,$EndYear); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title> The Rodale Institute Store: Custom Sales Reports </title> <META name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW"> <style type="text/css"> h3 {font-family: arial} td {font-family: arial; font-size: 10 pt;} tr {font-family: arial; font-size: 11 pt;} } </style> </head> <body> <form action="<?=basename($PHP_SELF)?>" method="POST"> <table> <tr> <th colspan="2"><u>Custom Sales Report Date Range:</u></th> </tr> <tr> <td height="10" nowrap width="125">Order Status:</td> <td height="10"> <select name="status"> <option value="A" <?=($status=="A" ? "selected" : "")?>>All</option> <option value="I" <?=($status=="I" ? "selected" : "")?>>Not finished</option> <option value="Q" <?=($status=="Q" ? "selected" : "")?>>Queued</option> <option value="P" <?=($status=="P" ? "selected" : "")?>>Processed</option> <option value="B" <?=($status=="B" ? "selected" : "")?>>Backordered</option> <option value="D" <?=($status=="D" ? "selected" : "")?>>Declined</option> <option value="F" <?=($status=="F" ? "selected" : "")?>>Failed</option> <option value="C" <?=($status=="C" ? "selected" : "")?>>Complete</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="10" nowrap width="125">Starting Date:</td> <td height="10"> <? generateDateSelector("Start"); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="10" nowrap>Ending Date:</td> <td height="10"> <? generateDateSelector("End"); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="10" colspan="2" align="center"><input type=radio name="report_type" value="total" id="1" <? if ($report_type!="qty_purchased") { echo "checked"; } ?> ><label for="1">Sales by Item Total</label> • <input type="radio" name="report_type" value="qty_purchased" id="2" <? if ($report_type == "qty_purchased") { echo "checked"; } ?> ><label for="2">Sales by Quantity</label></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="10" colspan="2" align="center"><input type=submit value="Generate Custom Report"> • or • </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="10" colspan="2" align="center"><input type=button value="Generate Cumulative Report" onClick="document.forms[0].StartMonth.value='<?=$opened_month?>';document.forms[0].StartYear.value='<?=$opened_year?>';document.forms[0].StartDay.value='<?=$opened_day?>';document.forms[0].EndDay.value='01';document.forms[0].submit();"></td> </tr> <table> </form> <? /* Begin if ** only show report if they posted a new date */ if ($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { if ($report_type == "total") $report_title = "Online Bookstore: Sales by Item Total"; else $report_title = "Online Bookstore: Sales by Quantity"; ?> <h3><?=$report_title?></h3> <? echo "Report Range: $StartMonth.$StartDay.$StartYear through $EndMonth.$EndDay.$EndYear "; ?> <table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="2"> <tr bgcolor="#D3DCE3"> <th align="left">Product</th> <? if ($show_id) echo "<th>Product ID</th>"; ?> <? if ($show_sku) echo "<th>SKU #</th>"; ?> <th align="left">Item Total</th> <th align="right">Quantity</th> </tr> <? /* Main Query */ $sql = "SELECT tblproducts.product, tblproducts.productcode, tbldetails.productid, SUM(tbldetails.price*tbldetails.amount) AS total, SUM(tbldetails.amount) AS qty_purchased FROM xcart_order_details AS tbldetails, xcart_products AS tblproducts, xcart_orders AS tblorders WHERE tblproducts.productid=tbldetails.productid AND tbldetails.orderid=tblorders.orderid AND >= $start_date AND <= $end_date " . ($status != "A" ? "AND tblorders.status = '$status'" : "") . " GROUP BY tbldetails.productid ORDER BY $report_type desc"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Error in query.". mysql_error()); $cnt = 1; $sum_total = 0.00; $sum_qty = 0.00; while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $product_name = $row['product']; $product_id = $row['productid']; $product_sku = $row['productcode']; $total = $row['total']; $qty_purchased = $row['qty_purchased']; $sum_total +=$total; $sum_qty +=$qty_purchased; if ($cnt%2 == 1) $color="#DDDDDD"; else $color="#CCCCCC"; echo "<tr bgcolor='$color'><td>$product_name</td>"; if ($show_id) echo "<td>$product_id</td>"; if ($show_sku) echo "<td>$product_sku</td>"; echo "<td>$ $total</td><td align=\"right\">$qty_purchased</td></tr>\n"; $cnt++; } if ($show_id && $show_sku) $colspan = "3"; elseif ($show_id || $show_sku) $colspan = "2"; else $colspan = "1"; ?> <tr bgcolor="#D3DCE3"> <td colspan="<?=$colspan?>" align="right">Totals for this date range:</td> <th><? echo "$ ".number_format($sum_total, 2, '.', ','); ?></th> <th align="right"><?=$sum_qty?></th> </tr> </table> <? } /* end if */ ?> </body> </html> <? /* Generate three list boxes for d-m-y selection */ function generateDateSelector($prefix="") { global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; global $StartYear, $StartMonth, $StartDay, $EndYear, $EndMonth, $EndDay; // month array $monthArray = array("", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"); // get current year, month and date // set curr* variables to use preset start/end values if so needed if ($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { if ($prefix == "Start") { $currYear = $StartYear; $currMonth = $StartMonth; $currDay = $StartDay; } elseif ($prefix == "End") { $currYear = $EndYear; $currMonth = $EndMonth; $currDay = $EndDay; } } else { $arr = getdate(mktime()); $currYear = $arr["year"]; $currMonth = $arr["mon"]; // If the user hasn't chosen a date, set the beginning day at the first of the month if ($prefix == "Start") $currDay = 01; else $currDay = $arr["mday"]; } // generate month drop-down echo "<select name=" . $prefix . "Month>\n"; for ($x=1; $x<=12; $x++) { $str = "<option value=" . sprintf("%02d", $x) . ""; if ($x == $currMonth) { $str .= " selected"; } $str .= ">" . $monthArray[$x] . "</option>\n"; echo $str; } echo "</select> \n"; // generate date drop-down echo "<select name=" . $prefix . "Day>\n"; for ($x=1; $x<=31; $x++) { $str = "<option value=" . sprintf("%02d", $x) . ""; if ($x == $currDay) { $str .= " selected"; } $str .= ">" . sprintf("%02d", $x) . "</option>\n"; echo $str; } echo "</select> \n"; // generate year drop-down echo "<select name=" . $prefix . "Year>\n"; for ($x=2003; $x<=2006; $x++) { $str = "<option value=$x"; if ($x == $currYear) { $str .= " selected"; } $str .= ">" . sprintf("%04d", $x) . "</option>\n"; echo $str; } echo "</select> \n"; } ?>
X-Cart Gold v3.4.14 [Linux/Apache]
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