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Old 04-19-2005, 02:23 PM
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chetlucas chetlucas is offline

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Default Search by SKU, Product or Whatever

I have looked, tried and failed on everything I have found regarding improved search functions. The only version that worked for me was in 3.5.3 and it worked well. I want the same thing in 4.0.11. I want to be able to search from the main search bar for sku, product or whatever I type in and search for. If I type in Black Cows, I want to be able to find "black cow", or cows that are black or something like that. You get the idea. Unicorns and find unicorn without having to type it in singular phrase (cow, unicorn, etc). Persons searching usually always use plural phrases. If I knew where to put the coding for truncating the plural phrases, then I would do it. I have tried various ways, but kept getting errors. I would appreciate any assistance from the experts here. Thanks.
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