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Old 04-10-2005, 03:29 AM
Online Michael Online Michael is offline

Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 273


Ok, I've had some time to play around with this mod and nothing will change my opinion of it (it's a fantastic mod). However, anything that is good can always be better or improved upon and this is what I'm thinking:

Instead of a tab disappearing when the 'Detailed Image' tab, as an example, has no detailed image, wouldn't it be better to just disable it? The reason this would be better is simple... if a first time customer can't see this tab, they are likely to search for it and when they canБ─≥t find it they will be so jacked off and frustrated that they could possibly leave the store. But a disabled tab is more likely to indicate to the customer that no detailed image is available. No frantic searching needed.

I'm no programmer, but I canБ─≥t see this being too difficult to implement. Just substitute the link within the tab with grey coloured text (no link). I'm sure the customer would rather have this than a disappearing trick that tells them nothing at all.

I just wish I knew how to do it. I think its worth while doing, don't you?
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