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Old 02-08-2003, 04:55 PM
Cameron Cameron is offline

Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Washington State, USA
Posts: 224


Finally figured it out. I'm using a background image of ocean waves that is specified in the first table of the site. It blends nicely with the top banner I'm using: The PROBLEM is that with that background in place, Netscape 4.8 does a weird thing and ignores the background color of the product tables, and every other inner table. It shows my table colors if I don't use the background, but that just isn't an option. It works find in NS7, IE5 and Opera...haven't tested in NS6, but I think that more people use 4.8 than 6 anyway.

My big question is this: Is there a way to use a browser sniffer to alter what source code is displayed? I would need it to determine if the browser is NS4 and then NOT put in the background, but instead just put in a solid background color. It will lose a TON of looks, but at least the NN4 lusers will be able to use the shopping cart. I've been looking at browser sniffers, but so far haven't found a way to make it alter my source code depending on the browser.

Any ideas?

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