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Old 12-04-2004, 11:51 AM
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BCSE BCSE is online now

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Default Product Links on Order Histories (For admin and customer)

This is a simple mod, but one I find really useful. It links the product title when viewing orders in the store to either a link to modify the product (for admin or providers) or a link to view the product (for customers). This should help repeat customers buy their favorite items again.

in main/order_info.tpl find this code:
<tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="ProductTitle">{$products[prod_num].product} #{$products[prod_num].productid}</td> </tr>

And replace it with this code (or modify the above to look like this):
<tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="ProductTitle">{if $usertype eq "P" or $usertype eq "A"}{else}<a href="product.php?productid={$products[prod_num].productid}">{/if}{$products[prod_num].product} #{$products[prod_num].productid}</td> </tr>

This example was done in 3.5.5 (also tested on 4.0.

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