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Old 05-29-2004, 09:41 PM
GM GM is offline

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Posts: 293



I already considered the smarty problem, when I did a full install I left it with smarty 2.5.0. There seemed to be very buggy issues going on all around the cart... couldn't add buttons properly, instead it would show text links with the standard "Go" button. Strange characters in the status bar where a dead giveaway. Improper checkout (upgrade only). Harder to mod (I believe because of the .htaccess files, but not sure yet) There are definitely problems. But that's one reason why we're here, to help beta test. I believe the issues lie in these changes somewhere?

Thu May 20 12:29:46 MSD 2004 [*] - mclap - "Please wait" message is displayed when order placing process starts. The function "func_header_location" now sends <META http-equiv="Refresh"...> tag when headers have already been sent Wed May 19 17:50:09 MSD 2004 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding updating the status of orders in IE (javascript error) is fixed. Wed May 19 12:16:00 MSD 2004 [*] - svowl - Security improvement: .htaccess files area is added into the directories 'log' and 'payment'. Tue May 18 17:12:50 MSD 2004 [*] - mclap - Debug functions "func_print_r" and "func_print_d" are improved: data is quoted using htmlspecialchars. Wed May 12 10:17:14 MSD 2004 [*] - mclap - The duplicate orders catching mechanism is improved: check up for previously placed orders is protected by "func_lock" function. Wed May 05 14:20:00 MSD 2004 [!] - svowl - The bug regarding incorrect filling out of the title, firstname and lastname fields for shipping and billing addresses during anonymous checkout is fixed. Tue May 04 15:47:22 MSD 2004 [!] - mclap - The bug regarding the loss of tags in product short and detailed descriptions when editing a configurable product is fixed.
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