@optical4u: As far as
Categories go
, the only difference I can see between
my source code and
your source code is in the
<div class="mega-subcats text-left"> sections, where the
sub-category links are defined:
- Links to your sub-categories use the following <a> tags:
<a href="https://www.optical4u.com/sub-category_name/" class="px-2 py-1">Sub-category Name</a> - Links to my sub-categories use the following <a> tags:
<a href="https://localhost/my_dev_website/sub-category_name.html/" class="px-2 py-1">Sub-category Name</a>
Apart from being locally hosted, the only difference is that
my links have a .html file type, and I have more top level categories, and fewer sub-categories in each top level category.
I can't see how that would affect the scrolling behaviour. The (categories) window size is the same for both, but the scrolling behaviour is different.