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Old 05-07-2020, 07:11 AM
elmirage001 elmirage001 is offline

Join Date: Apr 2007
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Default Re: X-Cart reBOOT (reDUX) Template

Originally Posted by elmirage001
Here is maybe another piece of the problem...

My brother-in-law is on XC 4.7.10 reBOOT is also having issues with iPhones. His iPhone users can not check out using PayPal Payments Pro.

***** From PayPal********
Thank you for the additional details. Developers state that the latest Safari browser for mobile have upgraded security protocols that can cause this issue. They have provided the below information to assist with this issue that you will need to add to your code:

<iframe src="" sandbox="allow-top-navigation allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-forms allow-modals" id="payment_content_iframe">


I was able to get iPhones to be able to purchase by changing the height of the iframe from 600 to 1600.

In: ps_paypal_advanced_iframe.tpl

{include file='payments/iframe_common.tpl' iframe_src=$iframe_src cancel_url=$cancel_url height='600' width='490'} changed to {include file='payments/iframe_common.tpl' iframe_src=$iframe_src cancel_url=$cancel_url height='1600' width='490'}

With this change the whole PayPal credit card form showed in the iframe which was hidden before because the iPhone would scroll. I don't know what affect this has on other mobile devices...

Thank you Phil for fixing iPhone and reDUX!!

X-Cart GoldPlus v4.7.12 | reBOOT (reDUX) Template v4.7.12.9 | Always The Best
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