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Old 08-16-2016, 12:35 AM is offline

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Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 68

Default Re: Changing default search to All Words

Hi Sergey,

Thank you for your emails. Please excuse my ignorance. I just want to clarify a few more things so that I don't screw up again (once bitten, twice shy)!

Firstly, our version is X-Cart Business 5.2.16 so we should use the attached sample custom module for 5.2 version, is that right?

Secondly, I would like to clarify where to put the files "Main.php" and "SimpleForm.php". Currently, I already have an existing directory "", should I then just create new directories "XCartDevs/ChangeSearchDefaults" inside the above existing directory, and then put in the file "Main.php".
Similarly, should I then create new directories "/view/Form/Product/Search/Customer" inside the newly-created directories above, and then put in the file "SimpleForm.php"?

Thirdly, yesterday just before the website crash on redeploying the store, when I copied the texts as per the tutorials for "Main.php" and "SimpleForm.php", all the backslashes disappeared after I saved the respective files. I then had to type in double backslashes so that when I saved the files, one backslashes remained. Do you know whether it's because my website is using an incompatible PHP version (I'm using PHP5.5)?

Thank you again.

XCart Business v.
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